
Schönheitsschlaf oder warum Schlaf die Hautgesundheit verbessert

Hello Moooorgähne... It's the same drama every day. The day starts too early … even if it is already 10 o'clock. We members of the 48grams editorial team have two things in common. We are women and we are chronic morning grouches. How do we justify this?...

Ja! Das sind alles Masken für trockene Haut!

Life without face masks is possible - but pointless. Loriot may forgive us for reinterpreting his statement. But for us members of the 48grams editorial team, this is an absolute truth...

Trockene oder sehr trockene Haut – das ist hier die Frage

Today it's once again time for a rehash of a 48grams customer question. After we have explained rare ingredients here, for example - mastic oil and edelweiss extract are among the absolute favorites...