Allergic to pure nature – no paradox

"I care for my skin with natural products - and still get allergic reactions. How can that be?" Since 48grams was rated “Very Good” eight times by dermatest, we've looked at the aforementioned question even more closely. After all, it sounds paradoxical: How is it possible that the best active ingredients are given to the fabric and all care tips are heeded - but still don't achieve the best results. Although, for example, series of tests confirm the intolerance. Skincare pope Bernd Kuhs gave us the answer personally: "We achieve optimal compatibility with our products - but nature also means that there is always a small group of people who show an allergic reaction to tiny amounts of certain substances or compositions . That can never be completely ruled out. ”
Transition phase from chemistry to nature
Before we use this blog entry to explain Bernd Kuhs' statement and thus shed light on the skin genetic issues, an important note first: Who of - let's call it conventional - facial care (we mean everything , which is based on chemistry or has been enriched with chemical ingredients) switches to natural skincare, which can expect skin reactions in some cases. Redness, areas with severe dehydration or irritation are nothing unusual - but evidence of a change in the skin. You have to get used to the new ingredients first. In exceptional cases, this phase can last up to one month (!). It may not be nice, but it is a small price to pay for renewed freshness, fewer wrinkles and more health. If you want to compare the problems and dangers of surgical anti-aging... no... we just don't want that.
When the immune system rebels against nature
More on: not everyone can be a dermatologist, but everyone should be able to find out how their care works. Basically, when we talk about “natural ingredients”, we mean plant extracts. And these have a demonstrably positive effect on the skin, ensure that irritations are alleviated or even disappear completely. But they also provide moisture, which, due to the nature of the molecules, can penetrate deep into the tissue. The strengthening of the important skin protection barrier, the regeneration of the cells but also support in the recovery of the skin... all of this is made possible by the "natural ingredients" mentioned. Nevertheless, it happens in rare cases that the immune system gives an alarm. This usually shows up in the form of redness, swelling or pimples. Exactly the opposite effect that the products are supposed to trigger. We can only say it with all urgency: Going to the dermatologist is mandatory in the worst case. Only he is able to convict the "culprit" and suggest a course of treatment.
Overfeeding - also insidious allergies possible
There are two types of allergy that can occur: the so-called contact allergy and the cosmetic allergy. The former has an immediate effect on the area where a product has been applied. The emphasis here is on “immediately”. The second type takes much more time. It can take hours to a day for the substances used in the care to reveal their (negative) effects. However, both types of allergies have the same starting point: the immune system resists an ingredient and releases antibodies. The result is allergic reactions. But the whole truth is: If a product has not caused any intolerance for years, this can suddenly change - without there being any innovations in the recipe. Too frequent use (keyword: overfeeding) may have started an insidious form of allergy - and then the pimples or pustules appear out of nowhere. Too frequent use (keyword: overfeeding) may have started as an insidious form of allergy - and then the pimples or pustules appear out of nowhere.
The fewer ingredients, the better
When it comes to the triggers, we can only remain very general - because we are writing a blog here and not for a medical journal. But for a basic understanding, here are some basics: If products are advertised with the words "hypoallergenic", "plant-based" or "natural", then in case of doubt this is nice marketing. The look at the ingredient list should always be mandatory when making a purchase decision. Because: The fewer active ingredients, the better for the skin. This is one of the reasons why we at 48grams only use the smallest possible number of active ingredients in our so-called formulations - these are the recipes in the cream kitchen. However, there are no substances that are absolutely safe for everyone. Therefore, Bernd Kuhs, the developer of the 48grams products, went one step further. All creams and masks use the principle of so-called skin-identical fats - this is our revolutionary biomembrane technology. In addition, we rely on oligo-hyaluron. Also a substance with which every body is very familiar. Thus, the allergenic potential is maximally reduced.
A self-test that provides more security
One small tip at the end: If you tend to develop pustules or irritation quickly, you should ideally do a self-test before using a new care product (this applies to both conventional care and natural skincare). . Now that sounds worse than it is. For this sample, all you need to do is place a dab of product on the inside of the crook of your arm or wrist. Here the skin is as delicate as on the face. If no irritation has occurred after 24 hours at the latest, it is safe to use. That's nice to know.